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Get to know me

My name is Maggie Mau, and I am a mom of two girls and one very sweet rescue pup, Hopper. My partner is a longtime teacher for Saint Paul Public Schools and we have lived in the South Como neighborhood in Saint Paul for the last 15 years! As a family we enjoy camping, hiking and exploring our country’s beautiful national parks. It is not odd to find us hammocking up at Como park, picking mulberries and reading :) 


I enjoy running, gardening, reading and baking and hosting regular gatherings of family and friends. I have been in the Twin Cities nonprofit sector my whole career, and the passion that I feel for the success of individuals and families in our community is now being carried forward in a different, but equally important way – through the support and empowerment of families as they navigate their birth journeys. I believe in leading with empathy and deep listening, in order to best support families to create their own powerful birth experiences. I feel humbled and honored to be able to share space and offer support to you - the amazing parents and parents to be!

Related Training

DONA Birth Doula Workshop - January 2024

This DONA Approved workshop included Doula labor support, Importance of birth memories, Hormones of pregnancy, labor, & birth; Emotional support for birth, Communication skills, values, and cultural sensitivity as a doula, Physical support for birth, Doula’s role with interventions, Cesarean & VBAC, Doula’s role during immediate postpartum & with the newborn, Breastfeeding support, Prenatal and postpartum doula visits, and Childbirth Education for Doulas.

Lactation for the Birth Doula - February 2024

This course touched on the anatomy and physiology of breastfeeding, latching and positioning, breastfeeding positions, when to feed, signs of success, early struggles and lactation professionals.

Spinning Babies workshop - June 2024

Spinning Babies focuses on the anatomy of fetal positioning and birth and the importance of balance.

Certified Lactation Counselor Certification - Healthy Children Project - Summer 2024

CLCs are clinical lactation care providers dedicated to the promotion, protection, and support of breastfeeding and human lactation in their work to prevent and solve breastfeeding problems. They understand that breastfeeding works best when it is the cultural norm and when the provider of lactation support and services is culturally competent.


I see the potential in others.

I can sense the emotions/feelings of others.

I am always on a learning journey.

I am motivated to make things happen.

I have strong core values that motivate me in my work.

Enneagram RHETI v2.5

Type 6

The Loyalist

Type 9

The Peacemaker

Type 2

The Helper

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